Find Your Flow
Weekend Workshop
23rd September 2018
North London NW3
Flow Is A Form Of Energy That Can Create More Positive Energy.
You will explore how to achieve happiness through achieving mastery over your inner life. You will begin by considering how consciousness works, and how it is achieved.
There are moments in life when everything just seems to feel right.
Things go according to plan, relationships are full of energy and love, and life just flows.
When you feel strong, you feel safe, feeling safe allows you to feel your vulnerability.
Do you feel like you could achieve more flow in your life?
Are you frustrated by limitations, you feel you have no control of?
Finding your Flow is a fully immersive transformational weekend workshop, where you will be guided finding your flow.
Through your senses, sound, movement and stories you will begin to move into flow, enabling the energy of your heart to flow fully. You will journey towards your authentic self finding strength in vulnerability, without the need to hide or run away. When you are in flow you become fully available to yourself and others, opening you up to give and receive love.
During this weekend workshop you will engage with your deepest motivations, step out fearlessly and create a cycle of abundance that will accelerate your life to the next level while remaining in alignment with your core values and vision!
Get ready to dive deep; Find Your FLOW
- Creating new definitions of success
- Setting clear and realistic goals
- Understanding your motivation
- Being proactive
- Not stressing about your performance or trying to force yourself to do things
- Cultivating an environment that is conducive to flow by healthy habits
- Giving yourself enough time
- Minimizing interruptions and distractions
- Being mindful and monitoring your emotional states
- Recognising your achievements
- Practicing gratitude
The process can transform not only your relationships all areas of your life; your career, your finances, your friendships and beyond.
Venue North London NW3 Timings 10 - 4pm Cost £160 per person