Today I invite you to surrender and go with the flow. Going with the flow brings serenity creating space for expansion and for healing.
Going with the flow is not being passive or lazy. It is not about letting things happen to you. It is not about aimless wandering.
Flow is life energy itself. When you go with the flow, you are surfing Life force. It is about wakeful trust and total collaboration with what is showing up for you.
When you are no longer struggling in the wrong direction, diverting your energy towards unnecessary distractions, your energy is free to go towards healing. Deep surrender in your life leads you to a profound space of acceptance.
Put the brakes on your desires and wanting, and fully accept what is.
Surrender. Allow your heart and mind to soften and be still. Do not be rigid in your thoughts. Allow for flexibility of ideas. Do not be rigid in your heart. Allow for an even flow of energy inward and outward. What you have in your heart is a gift to others. Allow it to flow in both directions out of and into your heart as your breath enters and leaves your body.
Daily Practice: Stand on your head. Salamba Sirsasana or Headstand. (Please Do Not attempt this, if it is not part of your regular practice, you can do this symbolically) Headstands allow for the heart to be above the head, symbolizing spirit over ego. See the world from another angle, see things as they really are, not how you are. Surrender your ideas about what you want. Your different or inverted view of the world may frighten people. Fear can turn to hostility; new ideas can be frightening to many people because it upsets the natural order of life. Those that fear change will fight it. You being the face of change may bear the brunt of that hostility. If you can accept that, you will be a powerful force. Fight it, and you will be weakened. Live as you live. Be an example. Have no fear. Let your surrender empower you.
Contemplation: What do you expect from the sacrifices you are making? What are you devoted to? What are you hung up on? What do you need to get straight? What do you need to give up? What are you trying to escape? Surrnder by ceasing your focus on the ego and the mind. The mind and the ego produce; worry, anger, fear, doubt, insecurity and a sense of importance. Accept that what you think is important, is really not.